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Tuesday morning many Republicans and those loyal to President Donald Trump attacked a Purple Heart recipient, Lt. This is just the latest attack by Republicans on the nation’s service members today. As The Military Times notes, one amendment focused on VA day care credentialing issues, another on veterans’ firearm possession rights. Republicans were attempting to attach poison pill amendments to the legislation. “By attempting to hijack a bipartisan bill backed by 14 Veteran Service Organizations- including 6 specifically advocating for women veterans, they have left these veterans behind.” “Instead of bringing forth meaningful, productive additions to legislation that will improve the lives of women veterans, they added toxic, partisan amendments – none of which worked to address how women veterans receive care.” “My Republican colleagues had a seat at the table every step of the way,” Chairman Takano said in a statement. Republicans chose to walk away from our markup and walk out on the 2 million women veterans whose lives will be enhanced by this legislation. Mark Takano (D-CA), who is the chairman of the committee, posted video of his colleagues exiting the room: House Republicans decided to walk out en masse Tuesday afternoon, rather than vote on a bill before the Veterans Committee that would haver helped two million women vets.

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